Office of the Inspector General

Paul D. Thompson, Inspector General

The mission of the Secretary of State's Inspector General is to ensure honest, efficient service by Secretary of State employees for the people of Illinois. The Inspector General's Office works diligently to preserve the integrity of the Secretary of States' Office by seeking out and eliminating corruption and wrongdoing. Through its investigations and audits, often with the cooperation of other Secretary of State departments, the Inspector General's Office also identifies inefficient or ineffective operations and procedures and makes appropriate recommendations to management to aid the ongoing effort to offer better customer service. In addition, the Inspector General investigates allegations of lobbyist wrongdoing.

Questions, complaints or comments about any Illinois Secretary of State employee, facility, operation or procedure may be directed to the Inspector General's Office. In addition, complaints about any allegations of lobbyist wrongdoing may be directed to the Inspector General's office. Download a copy of the Inspector General Complaint Form or Submit a Complaint Online. Complainant confidentiality is in accordance with the enabling laws, and penalties may apply for alleging an intentionally false complaint.
